Equality Objectives

Brocks Hill Primary School recognises that the Equality Act has three aims, and they are to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct under the Act;
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not;
  • Foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not.

Brocks Hill Primary School recognises its duties and responsibilities under the Act, and is committed to promoting equality and diversity, providing an inclusive, caring and supportive environment, and promoting equity and genuine equal opportunity for all. Our Equality Objectives build on the core values of the School:

  • Resilience
  • Reciprocity
  • Reflectiveness
  • Resourcefulness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Equality Objectives 2023-24

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation



Anticipated impact


To continue to promote a tolerant and inclusive school community where all feel safe and valued.

Teach all pupils how to be an upstander and ensure they know how to report any incidents.

Children know what to do if they witness an incident.

Staff feel empowered and knowledgeable to deal with any incidents should they occur.


Continue to collect pupil voice re. sexism, homophobia and racism, and act on results.


Ensure our school environment reflects diversity of our school community.

Ensure staff feel confident to challenge use of careless racist or homophobic words. 

Run anti-bullying week and online safety week.

Discuss and review at each Governor meeting.




Foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not



Anticipated impact


Raise awareness and understanding for staff and pupils of barriers for those who come from a range of ethnic minority, LGBTQ+, disability, religious or nationality groups, and the gifts which their characteristics bring to our school community.

Celebrate Diwali, Christmas, Eid and Vaisahki in school through assemblies, special lunches and staff celebrations. Invite faith leaders to be part of these celebrations.

Children and staff have a greater understanding, tolerance and respect of differences between themselves and others.







Mark Autism Awareness week, Disability Awareness month, Diabetes Awareness week and World Mental Health Day.


Explicitly teach pupils about Protected Characteristics through assemblies and SMSC curriculum. Discuss how these are applicable to our school.


Mark Black History month and highlight the contribution of BAME soldiers in Remembrance commemorations.

November 2023

Continue to be a Rights Respecting School through Rights Respecting ambassadors, Rights Respecting assemblies and application to our school curriculum.


Support LET Pride week.

July 2024

Run school culture day including community involvement.

July 2024

Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristics and those who
do not



Anticipated impact


All staff and pupils feel valued and represented

Actively encourage SEND pupil involvement in after school clubs and extra-curricular opportunities. Monitor uptake and address any barriers.

SEND pupils can access a range of extra- curricular opportunities.


Run workshops for parents of children with little or no English to help them develop understanding of curriculum and how to support their child. Offer translated materials where appropriate and possible.

Parents will be able to access information on how to support their child at home.

Autumn term.

Promote greater gender equality and inspire our female community through inviting speakers and providing opportunities for girls.



Female pupils will have increased aspirations. Challenge stereotyping of girls.

Spring term

Sports premium is spent inclusively. Inclusive sports opportunities through SLSSP.

All children will have opportunity to take part in School Sports competition. Sport is used to break gender stereotypes.


Celebrations for all faith groups marked at school. 

Members of all faiths feel represented and respected.


Culture day celebrates heritage and culture of all staff.

All staff feel represented and that they have a voice at the table.




Equality Objectives outcomes 2022-23

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation




To continue to promote a tolerant and inclusive school community where all feel safe and valued.

Teaching pupils how to be an upstander is included in assemblies, PHSE lessons and other curriculum opportunities.

Explicitly teaching about and challenging use of careless racist or homophobic words.

School and Trust led Diversity walks throughout the year to capture pupil voice and school environments.

Anti- bullying week.

Y6 visit to warning zone.

Curriculum has been modified to give greater focus on inclusion and diversity.

Diversity day across the school.

Faith room created.


Children have greater confidence in talking to staff if they have witnessed inappropriate behaviour or language being used.


All staff show awareness of what to do if they hear any discriminatory language.


Pupils understand that bullying is ‘several times on purpose’ and bullying incidences remain low.


School displays represent our school community and pupils can find examples of people like them.


Pupils have good awareness of Rights of the Child and can use their voice to express this positively.




Foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not







Raised awareness and understanding for staff and pupils of barriers for those who come from ethnic minority, LGBTQ+, disability, religious or nationality groups, and the gifts which these characteristics bring to our school community.

Autism Awareness week, Disability Awareness month, Diabetes Awareness week and World Mental Health day were marked through assemblies. Black History month and LGBTQ history month were taught.

Whole school celebrations of Eid, Diwali, Christmas and Easter marked for pupils and staff.

Whole school Culture Day in summer term allowed all pupils to celebrate their culture.


Children and staff have a greater understanding of and respect for, differences between themselves and others.


Children and adults accept that all are celebrated for their diversity.







Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who
do not





All staff and pupils feel valued and represented

SEND pupils involved in after school clubs e.g. inclusive Football club.

Monitor uptake and address any barriers.

LCFC spoke about girls’ football in assembly. Used example of Women’s England team. Female role models through STEM club.


Sports premium was used to ensure Inclusive sports opportunities through Sports Partnership.


All staff offered opportunity to be included in Trust Diversity groups.

Culture day.

SEND pupils feel they have equality of opportunity. Parent voice was very positive regarding this provision.


Mixed football team.


Pupils and staff feel able to express their identity and/or heritage.



For further information, please see the

Equalities Act 2010
Public Sector Equality Duty