Getting Involved

At Brocks Hill Primary School we value the contributions made by parents. Parental involvement in children’s education from an early age has a significant effect on educational achievement, and continues to do so in adolescence and adulthood.

  • Parent Induction meetings take place at the beginning of the Autumn term for Years 2 to 6. If you are unable to attend you can obtain copies of presentations.
  • Parent Induction meetings take place in the Summer term for Years Foundation Stage and Year 1 before their child starts in their new class to help parents and children prepare for the next stage in their school life. . If you are unable to attend you can obtain copies of presentations. 
  • Teachers send home 'What we are learning' every week.
  • Home Learning opportunities. We encourage parents to engage with a range of enriching fun activities for all the family to take part in. Please see the office if you need a copy of the Home Learning log.
  • Stay sessions for parents in all year groups relating to topics like Well-being, phonics, maths, writing, etc.
  • Parent events that are ran by parents for parents. These usually have a 6R focus but allow for parents to share ideas, discuss school life and offer suggestions for further development. 
  • Parents also have the opportunity to attend two parents evening and PATH (parent and teacher hour) every term where parents have the opportunity to look at their child’s books and talk to their child’s class teacher.
  • Each class in year 1-6 hold their own assembly each academic year to showcase to parents what they have been learning. FS are having smaller assemblies more frequently to support with areas of their curriculum.
  • Foundation Stage celebration afternoons, for example Religious festivals, Mothers and Fathers day.